Comprehensive Therapeutic Preschool (CTP)

CTP students learn in a small classroom environment with a high teacher-to-children ratio (3:1) and can offer individualized support for each child. In addition to a regular preschool curriculum, we support each child’s emotional development, relational capacity, and social skills, such as playing cooperatively with others, expressing feelings and needs, and following classroom rules.

Our teachers are fully qualified preschool teachers who are also trained in how to support emotional development and build relational capacity. We work together with all the important people in the child’s life, such as primary caregivers, extended family, therapists and pediatricians.

Upon graduation from CTP, families are offered transition services, which follow the child through Kindergarten and first grade. Our Transition Specialist works with the child, parent and teacher to support their success in school. Nearly three out of four children graduating from CTP go on to mainstream classrooms.

For more information please call: 

510-412-9230 or 
